This workshop is for all humans, yet the context of the information will be focused on male-bodied individuals. Lingham is the Sanskrit term for the penis or cock. It translates to “column of light” and “consciousness.” We use this term to refer to the cock in Tantric Masssage as a reference to your Shiva energy, the sacred life force energy that penetrates and that emanates truth, clarity and life. When connected to the heart chakra, the Lingham can also emanate love.
Participants will be guided on general Tantric principles, the Wheel of Consent and will practice Sacred Puja rituals, before witnessing a demonstration of a lingham massage, and then all male-bodied participants will have the option to receive a lingham massage.
This workshop is co-hosted by Flow Temple and if you are not currently a vetted member of the Temple community, an interview is required. Flow Temple is a femme-bodied empowerment community; femme-bodied individuals are members and may invite their male-bodied partners to events.